The departure point for Raúl Illarramendi’s work is the observation of "traces" left by human activity in the everyday urban milieu. Found on walls, sidewalks, gateways and doorways, these traces are photographed and chosen for their compositional and power to evoke. The artist thus accumulates a repertory of images that serve as inspiration for his compositions. Illarramendi applies coloured pencil on a canvas that has previously been prepared with gouache, a mixed technique that combines drawing with painting and vice versa. The artist conceives these works as non-drawings: The work is composed of lines that suddenly appear in the un-penciled spaces, thus revealing the foundation of the canvas. His series are all the product of a continuous reflection; the representation of a false hue, of a false fluidity, of a false rhythm and a false event.
Born in 1982 in Caracas, Venezuela, Raúl Illarramendi began his artistic training in 1998 as assistant to the painter Felix Perdomo. He then became a member of the Circulo de Dibujo of the Contemporary Art Museum of Caracas Sofia Imber. He followed studies in Visual Arts and Art History at the University of Southern Indiana in Evansville in the United States. He has won several art awards in the United States and France, the most recent of which being the Jean Chevalier Award for Painting in Lyon, which he received in 2012. Illarramendi lives and works in Méru, France.
Galerie Karsten Greve, Cologne, Germany
L.A.C. - Lieu d’Art Contemporain, Sigean, France
Cité internationale de la tapisserie, Aubusson, France
Fondation Fernet Branca, St. Louis, France
Galerie Karsten Greve AG, St. Moritz, Switzerland
Maison des Arts et Loisirs, Laon, France
Salon du Dessin 2016, Galerie Karsten Greve, Palais Brongniart, Paris, France
Galerie Karsten Greve, Paris, France
Galerie Karsten Greve, Cologne, Germany
Galerie Karsten Greve AG, St. Moritz, Switzerland
Galerie Karsten Greve, Paris, France
Galerie Dukan et Hourdequin, Paris, France
Galerie Schumm-Braunstein, Paris, France
Galerie Schumm-Braunstein, Paris, France
Galerie L’ici-Là, Saint-Étienne, France
321 Gallery, Evansville, IN, USA
Synchronicity Gallery, Evansville, IN, USA
Maison Vaugt, Evansville, IN, USA
Kathy Pohl Gallery, Tell City, IN, USA
Espace Séraphine Louis, Clermont-de-l'Oise, France
Galerie Karsten Greve, Paris, France
Galerie Karsten Greve AG, St. Moritz, Switzerland
Galerie Karsten Greve AG, St. Moritz, Switzerland
Galerie Karsten Greve, Paris, France
Galerie Karsten Greve, Cologne, Germany
Galerie Karsten Greve, Paris, France
Galerie Karsten Greve AG, St. Moritz, Switzerland
Galerie Karsten Greve AG, St. Moritz, Switzerland
Galerie Karsten Greve, Cologne, Germany
Galerie Karsten Greve, Paris, France
Le 6b, Saint Denis, France
Artists in Residence, Beauchery Saint-Martin, France
Galerie Dukan et Hourdequin, Marseille, France
Galerie Karsten Greve, Paris, France
Galerie Schumm-Braunstein, Paris, France
Galerie Dukan et Hourdequin, Paris, France
Galerie Dukan et Hourdequin, Marseille, France
Evansville Art Museum, Evansville, IN, USA
Synchronicity Gallery, Evansville, IN, USA
Galería del Metro, Caracas, Venezuela
Galería del MACCSI, Caracas, Venezuela
Grupo Li Gallery, Caracas, Venezuela
MACCSI, Caracas, Venezuela
Grupo Li Gallery, Caracas, Venezuela
VITECH, Caracas, Venezuela