Untitled (Captiva Island, Florida)

Pencil, adhesive tape, pastel and collage on paper
74,9 x 106 cm (29 1/2 x 41 3/4 in)
Frame: 89,2 x 119,9 x 3,5 cm (35 x 47 1/4 x 1 1/3 in)

Verso signed and dated: Cy Twombly March 1974

Cat. Rais. Del Roscio 2016, Vol. 6, #120
CT/P 82



Untitled (Captiva Island, Florida)
Pencil, adhesive tape, pastel and collage on paper
74,9 x 106 cm (29 1/2 x 41 3/4 in)
Rahmen: 89,2 x 119,9 x 3,5 cm (35 x 47 1/4 x 1 1/3 in)

Verso signed and dated: Cy Twombly March 1974

Cat. Rais. Del Roscio 2016, Vol. 6, #120
CT/P 82

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